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Friday, May 27, 2011

She's published!

For over a year I would see Meagan Frank at drop off and pick up at my son's preschool.  We would briefly chat about how her daughter was always talking about my son outside of school and how much my son talked about her daughter!  They had been setting up play dates without us even knowing.  Meagan was a fun, upbeat, and friendly mom.  Little did I know that she had been hard at work preparing to publish her first book!  How impressive is that?  When I found out I quickly began following her blog and gained much respect for her writing style.  She's entertaining and her sense of humor certainly comes through.  Her book is titled "Choosing to Grow:  Through Marriage".  As a child of divorced parents, Meagan knew that the statistics were heavily stacked in favor of her breaking marriage. She didn’t want to be a part of the divorce trend, so she set out on a quest to find the tools she needed to fight for her marriage.  I'm always in awe when someone can share so openly and honestly about their own life in a way that may be helpful to others.  This book sounds amazing and I cannot wait to purchase my own copy (maybe even have it autographed by the author).  If you're interested in checking out Meagan's book, you can find more information on her website:  www.meaganfrank.com 

I was lucky enough to work with Meagan on some updated images for her publications!  We had a gorgeous day and plenty of fun, of course!  Here's just a peek along with the cover of her new book!!  Congrats Meagan!



As the owner of TreasurLine Books & Publishing I just wanted to say Meagan is always fantastic to work with. Not only is her writing wonderful (her book is informative and entertaining), she recently spearheaded our efforts in the Operation eBook Drop allowing us to send free ebooks to our troops. She gives it her all, no matter what she's doing.

Love the pic!!! Congratulations, Meagan (and Colleen on the pic) on a job well done.

molly shannon said...

Truly an awesome picture for an awesome lady!!

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