When I thought about making changes to my space, I asked myself what inspires me. Rustic pieces, barn wood, shabby chic....everything that my office wasn't!
I turned to Sheryl Amos, owner of Whimsical Place, for help. Whimsical Place is my favorite store in Woodbury. I find myself stopping by whether I need to pick up a gift for a friend or am looking for fun home accessories or jewelry. Even when I need nothing at all but a few minutes of being in a place that makes me happy, I stop by Whimsical Place.
Sheryl introduced me to her amazing designer, Kim Owens of Kimberly Ann Designs. I met Kim and was impressed with the time she took to create the perfect space for me. Kim space-planned the room for the best layout, asked me all the right questions about how I really use the space. She didn't miss a detail! She even brought barn wood into my room as she customized a desk for both workspace and meeting with my clients! It's so perfect! Kim sketched and custom designed my furniture pieces to make sure everything I required from a work standpoint was included. The creation was practical (as she planned storage for my printer and external hard drives keeping them out of sight), all while creating a look that inspires me!
Together, Sheryl and Kim selected paint color and proper lighting (no more dark room) that makes this space a happy place! Call me trusting or call me crazy (or maybe I just watch too much HGTV), but I left my office that day and these two talented women decorated my space in a way that perfectly represents Colleen Davis Photography!
Office Before:
Office After: Ta Daa...my new office space, thanks to Kim and Sheryl!!!